What is this thing called ME?

What is this thing called ME?

What is this thing called ME?

If I had never looked in a mirror what would I think I am?  If I close my eyes and stop thinking, just being aware, I feel like I am some kind of HUM.    …MMMMMMM……. 

I can feel my body sensation, but I don’t feel like I am female or male.  I don’t feel ugly or beautiful…I just AM. Hummming…mmmm…

I wonder if other people have the same experience?   Or am I just an insatiably curious being, asking questions of myself well beyond my education?

The ME feels exactly the same today, now, as the ME felt within as a tiny child.  I don’t feel old or young.   I just feel….

Perhaps the only change is that I can see further. Beyond my little yard and past the city limits. That is a new awareness which continually expands. Yet the ME that looks through this and learns is still the same HUM….mmmmmm……

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